Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Journey

Soren,Gylfie,Twilight and Digger journey to a land called Ga'hool.
They face many dangers. When they get to the tree...They are trained Ike no one could ever imagine!
There are lots of chaws to chose from! A chaw is a group of owls that learn different subjects. Soren is in the weather and colliering chaw. The colliering chaw collects embers from forest fires for the great tree to use in their forge.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A note to our readers

This is my little girl's blog. She is seven years old and in the second grade. She is using this blog to keep track of the books that she has read. Her reading goal for this school year is to read 100 chapter books by the end of June. I think that's a great goal and I am very proud of her!

The Capture

My favorite character is...Gylfie an elf owl.
I want to know her because she would make a good friend.
She is also very smart.
She knows a lot about things.
She would make a good friend because she is very smart.
She would make a good friend because is playful.And I think Gylfie is pretty .
She is Soren's, a barn owl's ,best friend.